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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

+971 2 582 5615

There are a lot of advice, so where is the way?

There are many experts and references, so where is the correct source?

What I find widely spread recently is the quantity of advice and information directed to owners and aspiring builders. Despite the great benefits of this type of advice, the negatives are also present and we must identify them.

Is everyone who advises on medication a doctor?

I see many posts talking about technical matters in construction or design, and when I see new information, I start researching the speaker or the account owner, and in many cases, I'm surprised that this person is not an engineer first, nor does he run a second engineering company. I am even more shocked by the comments that may support a false information published by this person, and let's put intentions aside for a little while, a mistake is a mistake even if it's adorned with holiday decorations. 

Some will reply and say that this person has built a villa or more and has had experience in construction, becoming a qualified expert to advise humans, and most of his information is correct. I will tell some of them yes I agree with you that most of his information is correct, but the small incorrect part is what could lead you to the courtrooms with your contractor, and the main question is if I can advise you on a specific medication for a certain illness due to my previous experience with the same illness, does that make me qualified to announce my expertise in medicine and start advising the community, or should I go on a trip to the nearest police station when the community discovers that I do not have a medical degree? 

I must learn all the details of construction to avoid fraud and deception!

Here comes the school of (be your own project manager) and that construction is easy and that the contractor will only take hundreds of thousands from you without any real benefit and other phrases and sayings that if you are a prospective owner of construction, I will really be happy with them and I think I have found a wonderful solution to the construction dilemma.

Learning is easy and information is available wherever you look, but where did experience go? And where did the hours of work and the previous mistakes that enabled some companies to build a good reputation over the years go? Is it my role as an owner to know in detail how bricks are laid? Or to study how gypsum ceilings are installed? And even if I wanted to learn that, am I sure that the information I received is the correct information and there is no better information and free from errors?

Yes, I support and agree that the owner should be enlightened with good information about construction and its details but not to become a contractor or to start imposing his control and information on those who have spent years in this field.

Posts that support the owner's attack on the consultant and the contractor are successful reaching a large number of viewers because they play on the emotional and sentimental element, and as a result, the owner is positioned in an area we call (the cannon's pose) in front of people who cannot technically and mostly legally compete with them. 

The theory of the virtuous city is rejected and unrealistic. Look for honesty in work and listen, but do not immediately act on every advice you receive directly or through social media, instead, seek and consult trusted and reliable experts.

With thanks,

Eng. Adnan Wahdeh

Don't leave your project to chance. collaborate with us to ensure its success.

Don't leave your project to chance. collaborate with us to ensure its success.

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615

Abu Dhabi, UAE

+971 2 582 5615